History, RPManager R8+R7+R6+R5 _____________________________________________________ 3.22773 _BUGFIXES New .tif features supported in the output path inspector/editor, removing a script error if 16 bit int used. An exr output callback was not being removed for R8. _____________________________________________________ 3.22772 _BUGFIXES Older scenes would not submit to deadline after 3dsmaxcmd addition (oops) _____________________________________________________ 3.22771 _BUGFIXES Setting xref override materials was sometimes broken. Multipass camera effects could break RPM if not a property of the camera. Local Extension for auto path generation was resetting the output format setup to the first options picked for that format. Added 3dsmaxcmd as a submission option for Deadline (for those 8k vray buffers) _____________________________________________________ 3.2277 _BUGFIXES Setting xref override materials was sometimes broken. Multipass camera effects could break RPM if not a property of the camera. _____________________________________________________ 3.2266 Added option to save out all RPM passes as individual scenes (in the 'Passes' menu). The scenes are setup so that next time they are opened, the RPManager data is deleted (requires RPM to be installed on the machine opening it). _____________________________________________________ 3.2265 OpenEXR setting with R7 was broken since they changed the type of data the openexr interface expects. Remote submission added to Deadline support. _____________________________________________________ 3.226 _TWEAKS Output Property Inspector was messing up which column was being edited if you scrolled sideways. _____________________________________________________ 3.225 _TWEAKS Added checkbox for controlling whether the active viewport is set to the pass camera - always for a preview/render/submission, but optional for general pass restoration. Note: the auto build .mi files showing issue addressed last build requires that the RPMbuildOutputPaths.ms file is updated (optional on an install). Easiest is to delete this file from the maxroot/scripts/rpmanager directory before installing. _____________________________________________________ 3.224 _TWEAKS Auto build paths button/menu item was incorrectly showing the auto build .mi file dialog. Max 8 compatibility fix for mental ray. _____________________________________________________ 3.2236 _TWEAKS Extended support for controlling RPManager via maxscript. _____________________________________________________ 3.223 _FEATURES Support for OpenEXR output control with splutterfish's latest version, 1.0.1 _____________________________________________________ 3.22 _FEATURES Hooking into the built in Scene States is available for 3dsmax 7.5 - this is via the Visibility Sets RC menu, you can have a Visibility set, Layer, Layer Set and now Scene State assigned. Use the 'Auto Capture Scene State...' option in this RC menu to have the scene states auto synched with your edits. Color pass names for visual grouping via the 'Color pass names' submenu in the main pass RC menu Added a 'Duplicate visibility sets' button to the Visibility Sets Manager. _TWEAKS Submitting passes with a frame range outside the current frame range will set the scene to what it needs during submission and reset it afterwards. _____________________________________________________ 3.21989 _BUGFIXES The enable split options were erroring the network rollout when you changed passes. _____________________________________________________ 3.21988 _TWEAKS Holding Alt while clicking the 'Duplicate Pass' button will duplicate visibility sets too, auto renaming them. Added a 'Duplicate Visibility Set' option to the vis sets RC menu. The 'Rename Set Based On Pass Name' now checks to see if a set of that name already exists. Added 'Enable Split' to the commandline rendering options. _____________________________________________________ 3.21986 _TWEAKS Added auto path output for mental ray .mi export. Particle flow objects should work again when added to a capture set. _____________________________________________________ 3.21983 _TWEAKS Redefining a capture set as all visible objects no longer ignores frozen objects. _____________________________________________________ 3.21981 _TWEAKS Holding Alt when selecting passes suppresses camera viewport restore. Auto build paths now significantly faster for many passes being submitted. Backburner can sometimes fail to return existing pass names, so if a pass fails to submit a second attempt is made with a unique string attached to the pass name to avoid failures due to BB reporting. If a Multipass camera effect has animated total passes RPM no longer tries to restore this value - so if you are animating your steps in response to motion in the scene this will not be overridden. Note that no restoration of this value, animated or not, takes place at this stage. Added code to previewing to check whether the viewport lock button is on in the main max render dialog (this messes with RPM restoration). Warns if it detects on. _BUGFIXES Saving/loading RPM data was hosed (still). _____________________________________________________ 3.2198 _TWEAKS Added a 'Layer Vis Controlled By Head Only' to the RPM preferencs. When you are using layers or layer sets to control visibility this toggles between the existing behavior where the individual objects are still hidden/unhidden, to just controlling the layer hidden/unhidden state. The not hiding/unhiding nulls/cameras/lights doesn't work with this mode. _BUGFIXES Converted brazil version passes could error on delete/duplicate. _____________________________________________________ 3.2197 _FEATURES Object Properties Inspector now optionally shows capture set override materials. New RPMMaterial method of restoring the material property for a pass: see the website for more information. _TWEAKS The preview button group no longer flashes when you click on a pass in the main list. _BUGFIXES Per Capset override material handling improved markedly. _____________________________________________________ 3.2196 _TWEAKS Force update of lights when object properties restored - it was restoring the values for rendering but the viewport display was not updating. Light Projector Map added as a capturable light property. _____________________________________________________ 3.2195 _FEATURES New Object Properties inspector/editor. Spreadsheet-style - this is a Work In Progress, unfinished but functional enough to be very useful. OpenEXR support (per pass ouput parameters setup) with 0.9.6 or later of splutterfish's MaxOpenExr plugin. Note that extra channels are not yet supported - ie zbuffer etc., but until a compositing application can make use of these there is probably non point: this will likely be amended in the future. _TWEAKS Output format was not being set when using the non-auto-generated Auto Paths option: not sure why I set it up this way, but I've now changed it so the format parameters set when auto building the path is used. _BUG FIXES With Auto Gen Path on submit on RPM was not restoring the specified output format settings correctly. Inspect output paths/formats was not reporting the output settings correctly when using Auto Path Generation on submit. Inspect output paths/formats was not editing the output paths correctly when using Auto Path Generation on submit. Output format was not being set correcly when using Auto Path Generation on submit to set the output properties. Captured Light Multiplier value was not displaying as updating per pass even though it was - fixed. The light intensity as seen in the viewport does not change however, but is fine at render time. Material Per Capture Set capturing was hosed - setting one passes override material would set the other capture sets material as well. _____________________________________________________ 3.2193 _BUG FIXES If after using a 3rd party rendering manager you switched back to Backburner without changing to the network rollout and setting up the info submission would fail. A layer checking startup function could error in some situations. _____________________________________________________ 3.2192 _BUG FIXES Having object properties in the scene and adding or duplicating a pass would destablise 3dsmax7 (not a problem for R6 or R5), this build fixes that. Disable VFB in the backburner overrides was not forcing the submission into command line mode. Remove objects from visiblity set by name (in the visibility sets manager) was broken. Save RPManager data was broken. _____________________________________________________ 3.215 _BUG FIXES Restoration and Capture of object materials was being messed up when multiple capture sets had material as a capture parameter. Preview camera and visibility set overrides were killing preview overrides. Saving merge data was popping the user out of SubObject mode, now you are returned to SO mode if you need to be taken out - and it only happens on the first save of the scene after RPManager data is created. Save merge data is also disabled for autobaks and holds. _____________________________________________________ 3.211 _FEATURES Auto path generation on submit now can have the path and the output type disconnected separately - use the 'Local' checkboxes, one for path and one for output type, to toggle whether this setting is global or local to the pass. When previewing, hold the Control key when clicking the preview button to skip restoring the camera view (so preview whatever viewport is active.) When previewing, hold the Shift key when clicking the preview button to skip restoring the Visibility sets. Can be combined with the control override. Added an option to only restore/capture object properties on visible objects in the scene. If you are using inherit visibility this may be a problem, but otherwise this can speed up interactivity considerably. Also this can trigger the instanced material warning more often. Added a 'Disable Refs System During Capture/Restore' checkbox to the object properties global settings. This defaults to on for new scenes, and can speed up certain operations many times, ie adding an object to a set that has a slow-to-update stack can go from upwards of 10 seconds to less than 1. BUT if you find that you can no longer move any objects in your scene immediately save incrementally, restart 3dsmax, reopen the scene and turn off this feature, and please send me an email describing what you were doing so I can fix it, as this on by default is desirable. Save/Load custom output setup for user defined paths enabled once again (main and render element) in the > menus of the Output Setup dialog Particle Flow Node properties supported by the object properties system - for example you can control a material operator nodes material, an events renderable/castshadows/etc. property, and PFSources enabled states per pass. Add Pflow nodes to a set using the new Pflow specific buttons in the Object Properties rollout - note that you select PFlow nodes in the standard PFlow ParticleView, these are what is added/removed from sets. New Visibility Per Pass Feature - Layer Sets. You can create sets of layers, and all the layers in a set contribute to object visibility for a pass. Create Layer Sets from the VisibilitySets menu, and assign from the Visibility Columns RC menu (the 'Assign a Layer Set...' submenu.). Assigned layersets are prefixed with "LS:" in the visibility set column. Added an 'Ignore group headers when adding to capture sets' as the group header dummies are not always desired and will slow things down. Added warnings about the state of the render-time restore object properties, visibility sets active and run before/after scripts to the Render Alerts. The Visibility Sets Active (Viewport) setting in the global viewport preferences is now disconnected from the 'Restore render Params (Always for Render) checkbox so you can have just visibility sets (and camera assigned) restored when selecting passes, without render parameters (faster, if visibility assignment is all you want to check) _BUG FIXES Object Inspector edit params no longer fails on objects with underscores in their names. Save/load renderer presets works again, not merge from scene though. Environment Background Maps mapping modes should no longer revert to Screen on pass restore/add/put. Editing renderer parameters with restore params off no longer errors if current renderer not the same as the passes. Submission warnings for pass suspended was not checking the global submission status. Leftover RPM preview override objects are now automatically deleted from scene when submitting to cater for errors on preview leaving junk behind. Another fix for link UI time to pass range overwriting the range of the pass when holding/saving, and also with multiple passes selected and submitting/auto generating paths. Turned of all link UI timerange edit synching if more than one pass is selected and render range type is 3. Backburner: New scenes now use the same network manager that was used on the last job with RPM. Object property inspector now lists passes in the same order as the main pass list, and what is listed is correct: reordering passes was messing it up. Submit xref scenes merged before submit now works again. Save/Load data was being killed by objects in visibility sets with % or " in the names. Submitting with restore params off for viewports could leave the scene with sceneredraw disabled. Removing an object with a different capture set selected than the one the selected objects were members of would remove the capture data but not remove the object from its set (doh) Previewing, rendering or submitting a pass was incorrectly disconnecting materials in the Medit from objects with captured properties. Now the workflow with the auto capture properties on pass change/preview/render/submit enabled while modifying materials in the medit and previewing as you go actually works as intended. Closing 3dsmax while RPM was docked could give a virtual function call error (didn't do any harm). Selecting multiple passes with Vray motion blur geometry samples different for two or more passes would error if viewing the Renderers rollout. Cancelling removing object properties would error. Removing object properties from a capture set could hose existing captured properties in certain no-so-uncommon situations. The open quemonitor button in the backburner network rollout should now work again - same for the one in the submission complete dialog. Digital fusion load selected passes was failing often to add the image padding. Submitting via commandline with no servers selected will no longer error when it tries to report the problem. Cancelling a preview of multiple passes could end up with the preview progress dialog still visible after the preview was complete. Added code to detect and cleanup redundant captured object data. Restoring visibility sets was always generating undo entries, rather than respecting the setting controlling this in the global preferences. The alerts for output size has been updated to cater for the new(ish) global output size controls. Error when removing light properties and shadowgenerator was a member. Auto capture on pass change was capturing when 'restore object properties (viewports)' was off - too easy to lose your captured data accidentally, so disabled when this is off. To replace one passes capture state, turn off restore properties (either one) go to the pass and use the capture object properties buttons. A captured property was being deleted under certain circumstances, requiring a re-capture to get it working again; fixed. Using the 'select' button when the camera list is showing indeterminate no longer errors. Fix for using Deadline with RPManager and 3dsmax5. _TWEAKS Clicking a checkbox no longer triggers a pass change nor changes what passes are selected in the pass list. You can set the default for the Shot Prefix field: editing the RenderPassManager.ini file, add to the [Defaults] section: PrefixDefault=. Do not use quotes, ie PrefixDefault=#scenename_ , or PrefixDefault=RPMShot When the render submission feedback dialog fills up, it auto scrolls to accommodate new feedback entries. Object properties material restoration can be many times faster with scenes with many objects being restored - a test scene of 3000 captured boxes went from 450 seconds to restore down to 19 seconds. The Auto Capture Properties UI control has been changed to a checkbutton and moved below the capture set list - I realised many were not aware the auto capture option existed. Now it is hard to miss. Also moved the 'Restore Properties Active' global setting from a checkbox to a large blue checkbutton - to enable easier disabling of the restore system while materials etc. are being tweaked, to be enabled once that is done (along with a capture). Added an 'are you sure' to removing all objects from captured data sets. Added 'hold escape to cancel' to the preview/local render progress dialog. When deleting a pass, the pass that is left selected is restored to remove the possibility that auto capturing of properties messes up the props for that pass when you then restore a pass. Added some UI workflow options to the object properties inspector - Right click to toggle on/off, shift click to restore, alt click to select the object. _____________________________________________________ 3.13 _FEATURES Exposure controls can now be controlled per pass, added to the 'Atmos' tab (now labelled 'Atmos+Exp') 3.13+ now supports R6 and R5 Enhanced Brazil/Rio preview override support to allows setting the sampling rate to specified values rather than just the 'disable' AA which would set it to 0/0. Submission to Rush now supported for 3dsmaxR5 - requires SFRender.exe from splutterfish is installed on each workstation/slave (get from smedge2 website) Submission to Smedge2 now supported for 3dsmaxR5 - requires SFRender.exe from splutterfish is installed on each workstation/slave (get from smedge2 website) Final Render multipass editing parameters extended, for final render Stage 1 SP2 only. Pre-SP2 not supported due to the extent of the changes. Note any parameters that do NOT appear in the RPM FR rollout are *still editable/restorable on a pass-by-pass basis*: edit the parameters required in the main 3dsmax render dialog, a single restored pass at a time (this applies to all renderers with RPM). New Visibility Set Membership Inspector/Editor added (Vis Sets Menu), inspect and edit object membership in a table interface. Object Properties Inspector/Editor added (Object Props menu). This allows editing selected parameters from a treelist interface: lights on/off, material display/edit, object cast/receive shadows, among others. _TWEAKS Optimised the speed and display of the 'Renderpassanager render alerts' messages display. _BUG FIXES Rendering Locally from a passes RC menu could error. Adding passes with Xref restore active could error if xref rollout not active or had not been active at some stage in the current session. Smedge pools were a bit messed up. Incorrect callback assigned for 3dsmaxR5 relating to Xref tracking - enabling xrefs no longer errors. Error when adding a pass with xrefs present in 3dsmax5 fixed. Hand entered callbacks were not being installed. _____________________________________________________ 3.122 _BUG FIXES RPM was erroring when creating passes if the Advanced Lighting 'Radiosity' with an exposure control was enabled (including if the 'initial settings for tools options' was set to one of the DesignVIZ options) _____________________________________________________ 3.121 _BUG FIXES Mental Ray RPM Rollout would error on opening. _____________________________________________________ 3.12 _BUG FIXES Cancelling an RPM preview using escape could leave the preview indicator (red line top/bottom) object in scene. _____________________________________________________ 3.11 _FEATURES After Effects integration updated: - Footage now loaded with 'guess' Alpha Mode applied. - Single frame passes now loaded as still rather than sequences. - Other footage in the output directories no longer interfere with import - Warning if first frame of any passes sequence, as defined by the output range, does not exist (without the first frame existing the sequence will not be loaded into AFX). - Opacity values set up in QuickComp are now reproduced in the AE composite. _BUG FIXES Error checking added to paths picked when writing external compositing files (for combustion/AE) _____________________________________________________ 3.1 _FEATURES Support for 3d party network rendering managers - a choice now of Backburner, Deadline, Smedge and Rush. Access this through the Customize/Preferences dialog. This is not a per-scene setting, it affects RPM for all scenes then opened, and relevant network data will be built as required if a scene is opened that was previously setup with a different network manager defined. Set the rendering manager in the Preferences. It affects all scenes and is not a scene by scene setting. Note you will need to have the relevant rendering managers installed and configured correctly for RPManager to work with them. Combustion .cws files can now be saved from the Quick Compositor - using the 'External' buttons RC menu - or from the Output menu. This respects layering order, transfer mode, blending but not prepass of the quick compositor setup. Passes set to 'Ignore' have their visibility off in the resulting Combustion workspace. Useful just to get all passes into combustion quickly even if you do not setup the composite in RPManager. Mental Ray support much enhanced with the ability to modify many parameters on multiple passes at once using the Renderers rollout in RPM. Initial FinalRender Stage-1 (cebas) support - preview overrides are now available for finalrenderS1. Overrides include AA, GI, DOF, SSS, MTD, Mapping,MotionBlur,Blurry Relections among others. Updated Backburner support - you can now override the Render Frame timeout (which defaults to 50 minutes - it kills a frame rendering if it takes longer than 50 minutes). Also the Load Timeout and Unload timeout, as well as overriding the Enable Task blocking and whether the VFB is displayed during rendering. This relies on a new submission system that will need to take control of the queue if 'Use All Servers' is off for the pass(es): the render feedback keeps you updated as to the progress of this, but it can mean delays while the queue control times out, or if another submission is taking place it will need to wait for the duration of that submission. Note that if it cannot take control of the queue the job is submitted with >all servers assigned> and you will need to edit the servers assigned using queuemonitor. Added a 'Rename set based on pass name' option to the visiblity sets RC menu, to make the workflow of Alt- or Control- clicking the add pass button automatically creating visibility sets somewhat more attractive to use. Entering a path into the auto path root field with offer to create the directory if it does not exist. Define Object Properties dialog lists now shows active properties BOLD as well as highlighted - XP theme choice can make the selection alone almost invisible. Pass Priority and suspended/critical settings have moved to the Network Setup rollout. Pass Priority and suspended/critical can now be set as global, with a per pass priority offset value. This allows you to change a single value to control all your passes priorities, but also maintain relative priority differences between the passes. Select camera button added to the commom parameters rollout - next to the camera dropdown. Global Output Size is now available - if you have this on for any passes, they can all be changed by editing any one of the passes set as global. Allows you to work with a lower resolution setting, and easily change them all to a high resolution. With this off the settings are local to the pass as before. New preference settings: default state for the global pass priority and default state for global output size enabled checkboxes. These both default to off. Updated licensing system - without a license RPM will not operate at all. A personal or evaluation license can be requested from www.rpmanager.com (2 pass limitation) Visibility Sets ignore non-renderable setting in the global viewport parameters broken out into cameras/lights/helpers. Note that you no longer need both a camera/light and its target added to a set; where before if a target was not part of a set the object was not unhidden, now the target inclusion doesn't matter. Render Element Property RPM UI accessible properties improved - Diffuse Element: Diffuse Lighting checkbox, Lighting Element: Lighting directOn/indirectOn/ShadowsOn checkboxes. 'Save Bug Report...' menu item added to the Help menu. This simply saves the RPMversion, date, heapfree size, and the listener contents to a text file for ease of emailing to bugs@rpmanager.com. Scanline Renderer Global Supersampling options (new feature in 3dsmaxR6) available for in the Multiple Renderer Editing controls. Dockable, left or right, from the 'Customize' Menu. Undock from the same menu. swapped functionality of clicking on an RPManager Toolbar button - with Shift now closes if open, else just sets focus to the open RPManager dialog, bringing it to the front of any other dialogs. Synchronising the common render parameters if the user has edited the standard render dialogs common parameters no longer tries to update with the users settings by default - this can be turned back on using the Preference setting 'Offer to Sync Render Parameters'. (This feature tends to just get in the way) New Vray preview override added - global reflect/refract Preview overrides now able to override the nth frame setting (useful only when rendering a sequence with preview overrides on). Some controls were renamed to make space for the new nth Frame spinner. When creating visibility sets via the visibility set RC menu if you hold SHIFT when picking the menu item a set will be automatically created based on selected objects with the pass name assigned. If you hold down CONTROL it will do the same but base the set on all visible objects. _BUG FIXES Backburner not being correctly installed with throw a message indictating this rather than erroring. If the user cannot submit through the standard network submit then RPManager will not be able to either. The ambient light 'Blk' button was setting the ambient light color to the background color instead of black. Editing the End Frame parameter of a passes range in the Common Controls would not correctly update the animation end range until the pass was restored, fixed. Link UI Time Range checkbox no longer takes two clicks to enable Fixed possible error when auto creating Render Element paths. Fixed the browse button in the render element paths dialog. Floating object capture floater no longer errors and opens instead when using the button in the object properties rollout. Generate visiblity for undo was using the global value rather than the scene value Duplicate Server .xml files could crash RPM on updating manager data. capture set override material store/restore was broken when dealing with pass counts over 6 or thereabouts. capture set override material names were incorrectly reported in the Capture Objects UI. 'Remove all RPManager data' could leave the RPM UI enabled, editing would error. Deleting a pass while the Quick Comp rollout was visible could error under certain circumstances. closing RPManager will disconnect the current renderer from the stored renderer, so changes to RPM stored data can no longer be accidentally done while RPM is closed. Preview override rollout was not updating correctly when opening a new scene. Setting vray AA filter types would error in the full versions. Auto synching RPM global range with scene animation range once again tweaked to get it to work. _____________________________________________________ 3.03 _FEATURES Backburner Network Rollout asks if you want to update the manager data if no servers detected in the server list Mental Ray support updated - many more controls in the renderers rollout Licensing system updated. Where the 3dsmax licensing is Flexlm AND the RPM license is NOT a site license the computernames of the machines that RPM will be licensed to will need to be part of the licensing. Help/Authorize Info dialog now displays computer name if a 3dsmax is licenced via Flexlm so this can be copied and sent during license requests. Help/AuthorizeInfo dialog now displays license status for newer licenses. Possible states are Valid HardwarelockID not license Computername not license License type mismatch (flexlm/local) If an older license is installed this status line does not contain any useful information. _____________________________________________________ 3.02 _FEATURES Preview Overrides for Mental Ray - override AA sampling, disable Motion blur/GI/DOF/Caustics/FinalGather/Shadows/Displacement, and enable distributed renderer. Preview buttons group (bottom left of interface) indicates whether the preview overrides are on or off in the group caption ("Preview:O'rides ON/OFF") Render elements controls enabled for mental ray. Limited Multiple Renderer access for mental ray, framework in place: modifying the sampling settings is all that works at this stage. Support for Mental Ray DOF multipass effect through the RPM multipass settings - fStop can be set per pass. Object Properties Capture progress bar displays when passes added or duplicated. _BUGFIXES Adding render elements via the RPM controls was difficult since the list items did not correspond to the items actually added. Mental Ray DOF effect no longer errors RPM. Merging objects with object properties assigned and adding to capture sets will no longer error - any existing object properties are deleted on assign. Installer no longer writes over your output preset file and custom rollout and custom struct files if they are pre-existing. Installer only updates the RPMdlx.dlx plugin if detects an old version. Installer will fix a certain incorrect output preset if it detects it (image aspect incorrect for the 'Custom' 720x576 (pal) output. Script error when date format set to show verbose month fixed. _____________________________________________________ 3.01 _FEATURES List of network servers in the network rollout now sorted by name. Network server list additional check by options - check selected, check unselected servers. Manager groups are now retrieved when using the 'Update Manager Data' button. _BUGFIXES Adding a pass when the network rollout was not visible would clear the checked server list (only affected submission if use all servers was off). Local and global server groups no longer error on retrieve if many servers are in the group; group storage reworked, any groups will need to be rebuilt. Submitting multiple passes with different format options (ie targa 24, targa 32) would not correctly set the format at render for network submissions and use the format set for the previously rendered pass - fixed. Locking the width and height of the output params and entering a new value for either would not always update the other value correctly. _____________________________________________________ 3.0 _FEATURES Auto build output paths is now a hybrid of the older auto build system and the newer system: if 'enable auto build paths on submit' is not enabled for any passes, picking the 'Auto build all paths...' menu item or 'Auto' interface button will prompt for a root directory and build the paths for those passes using that root. Any passes with the auto path generation root set will be built using those settings. If all passes have auto build enabled no output path is requested. This returns the old behavior which is quick and requires almost no setup, with the new auto build path behavior intact, and in both cases builds the output paths and output filename as defined in the output preferences. Cancelling the prompt to pick the root directory will cancel the auto build operation. New options for the output path construction: using certain keywords in the 'Strings_..' fields returns other data. The keywords are '#username', '#machinename', and "#date" (+ options). #username inserts the current username as logged in #machinename inserts the name of the computer #date requires some extra data: which parts of the date to include by index, and a divider to separate them. ie entering #date321_ inserts '2004_04_26' into the path when your regional settings are Australia. '#date21-' inserts '04-26'. Note that the specifics returned are dependent on your regional settings, but based on US settings the indices would correspond to: 1: month 2:day 3:year 4:hour 5:minutes 6:seconds 7:AM/PM